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4 Risks to Avoid in Your Supplier Risk Management Strategy


Run from those dark supplier risks! Avoid the four types of risk that could negatively impact your organization.

As a part of your supplier risk management strategy, you’ll want to become more familiar with the risk categories, since risks can multiply the larger the supply chain and the less visible supplier operations and data are. While there has been a lot of progress in the textile and fashion industry over recent years, most of the change has happened from the top down, starting with consumer brands. Driven by the need to share their environmental performance data and sustainability credentials with stakeholders and consumers, brands have had to adapt their operating models quickly to align with new ESG commitments and net-zero targets.

As you travel further down the supply chain, this commitment to change is less apparent and sometimes unknown. Of course, this isn’t true for all suppliers, some are committed to better manufacturing processes, safer use of chemicals and providing full transparency of their emissions data. These transparent suppliers are highly sought after by today’s brands; however, they are few and far between. A recent study revealed that a shocking 94% of companies admit they don’t have full visibility into their supply chains, and this is where organizations could be facing very high risks.

What are the 4 Different Types of Supplier Risks to Avoid?

If you cannot track what chemicals are being used for which processes in your supply chain, you cannot manage this, nor ensure compliance. If you are found to be using dangerous chemicals, you could face reputational risk and damages. Considering it takes over 8,000 chemicals to turn raw materials into textiles, that’s a lot of processes to track and evidence, leaving organizations and value chains open to plenty of potential risks.

Recently, fast-fashion company Shien came under fire for the use of 5 toxic chemicals in their clothing along with other large clothing brands like Lululemon, Old Navy and REI. Having these findings plastered across global publications is damaging enough, but long exposure to some of these chemicals can also be life-threatening, causing a whole new set of risks for an organization.

The costs of non-compliance are steep, often including fines, sometimes closures and even imprisonment. With so many new and updated regulations for different industries, operations and jurisdictions, it’s a compliance team’s nightmare to keep track of the current risks to a business.

In December 2021, REACH found that from inspections of nearly 6,000 products (including textiles, leather, childcare articles, toys and jewelry), 78% were non-compliant. At least one requirement under relevant EU chemicals legislation was checked, resulting in over 5,000 enforcement actions.

4 Risks to Avoid in Your Supplier Risk Management Strategy

There has been a significant rise in the number of eco-conscious consumers over recent years, as people have become more aware of the carbon and wastewater emissions impacting the planet. There is no shortage of evidence suggesting that consumers want more sustainable brands. One of the more recent US surveys revealed that up to 80% of consumers indicate that they already consider sustainability in their day-to-day choices. However, this change in consumer demands has led to a greenwashing culture to appeal to these customers. Brands that display disingenuous environmental performance data, or no data at all, face financial risks from government penalties as well as a loss in customer sales.

To battle against these false sustainability claims, authorities, such as the UK’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), announced they would be naming and shaming brands that make false claims about their environmental credentials in a crackdown on the fashion industry. Boohoo, ASOS and Asda are currently facing greenwashing investigations from the UK regulator. And on the horizon is the European Commission’s Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) initiative, which will provide labelling throughout the EU to give consumers and businesses the ability to choose more environmentally-friendly products.

If you cannot capture all your emissions data throughout the supply chain, you cannot know your true environmental impact, and subsequently, share this information publicly with confidence. You also won’t be able to set realistic targets or track your performance for ongoing improvements. This is the sustainability risk, which can easily be eradicated with the right technology and processes.

Recently there have been many new environmental programs introduced for brands to help change the textiles industry and encourage more sustainable apparel choices for consumers, such as the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), the United Nations Alliance for Sustainable Fashion and the Global Fashion Agenda. On the flip side, platforms have also been set up to inform consumers of the most ethical and sustainable brands, such as Good On You is a sustainability ratings platform made public for businesses and consumers. A fashion brand that ranks low on these types of lists can result in dire consequences for your future sales.

Reduce the Dark Suppliers in Your Supply Chain

Reducing the number of Dark Suppliers (suppliers that do not disclose emissions data or seek to improve their environmental performance) needs to be a top priority for leading brands that want to reduce their risk as a part of their supplier risk management strategy. Brands should first work on their existing supplier partnerships to agree on the information that needs to be disclosed for their sustainability reporting. Remember, this data should be submitted accurately, honestly and consistently. As a last resort, brands should consider sourcing new, more transparent suppliers in place of those that won’t participate in their verifiable sustainability programs or goals.

Learn how we can engage your supply chain, improve your chemical management initiatives and demonstrate progress toward your chemical commitments.

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Flemming Laursen

Flemming Laursen, Head of Sales for CleanChain, is an expert in the maximization of profit for companies through the use of ESG tools, data technology and impact sourcing. He was an entrepreneur and worked as director of sales for multiple businesses prior to joining ADEC Innovations.

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    ZDHC对大宗化学品的定义是,具有已知化学结构和单一CAS(Chemical Abstracts Service)编号的单一物质或化合物。这些化学品通常用于制造过程中创造条件或作为辅助剂。不同厂家生产的两种大宗化学品具有相同性和互换性。它们通常不会留在最终产品上,而是在加工过程中被清洗掉了。

    虽然大宗化学品包含在ZDHC MRSL(制造限制物质清单)中,但由于在ZDHC网关中参与大宗化学品行业并将这些物质纳入符合ZDHC MRSL的ZDHC网关产品数据库仍有一定挑战,所以大宗化学品被排除在Performance InCheck报告之外。








    供应商应熟悉ZDHC大宗化学品指南ZDHC Commodity Chemical Guide。本指南概述了管理大宗化学品的最佳做法,确保它们得到负责任的评估和储存。

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    ✅自动化合规性追踪,并确保符合ZDHC MRSL和其他法规。






    除了CleanChain的功能优势之外,它还帮助用户简化了与电子表格相关的复杂性操作。 关于东丽酒伊织染(南通)有限公司

    东丽酒伊织染 (南通) 有限公司 (公司简称 TSD), 成立于1994年, 是东丽集团 (Toray) 在中国投资规模最大的制造型公司, 是一家以化学合成纤维为主的坯布织造、功能性面料加工·染色、成衣制造销售及水处理 为核心事业的公司。公司拥有从新技术研 发、织造/染色/后整理/检测及成衣制 造的一条龙生产流程。作为东丽海外的标 杆工厂, TSD拥有一流的安全、环境和职业 卫生、能源管理体系, 践行着TSD对于社会 责任感的承诺。公司秉承“通过创造新的 价值为社会做贡献”的企业理念, 以不懈的 创新精神和科技实力为客户不断开发品质 上乘、性能卓越的面料, 谋求与每一位顾客 的共同发展。


    在采用CleanChain这款在线化学品管理系统之前, 我们在执行ZDHC的过程中, 由于化学品使用类别多且量大, 很难实现实时追踪现有化学品的MRSL合规性。同时, 针对没有合规性的化学品以及证书到期的产品, 我们需要人工核实和整理相关列表, 并一一和化学品制剂商进行沟通。整个过程需要花费大量的时间,极大地影响我们的工作效率。另外, 如何提高MRLS的整体符合性,也是我们的一大挑战。最后, 在采用系统前, 我们不明确我司客户对于我们进入CleanChain平台持何种态度及其认可程度如何。


    我司化学品管理工作者每月在系统里按时上传化学品清单,并下载InCheck报告。为了避免用户错过上传的时间截点, CleanChain还会有自动化的邮件提醒用户及时上传化学品数据。除了定期上传化学品数据外, 我们日常工作中,也会利用系统的Dashboard来查看到期的产品以及没有合规性的产品列表。根据这份列表, 我们有针对性地和化学品供应商开展高效的沟通, 鼓励并帮助他们对未合规的产品进行检测并上传至ZDHC Gateway网关。同时, 在数据的分享上, 通过CleanChain的connect功能, 与客户取得关联, 系统可自动帮助用户将CIL数据和InCheck报告分享给我们的合作品牌。CleanChain在数据的管理上, 帮助我们节省了手动分享报告和清单的时间, 大大地提高了工作效率 。


    The implementation of the CleanChain platform has significantly reduced our exposure to chemical risk substances while greatly enhancing the efficiency of our chemical management efforts. Additionally, adopting CleanChain has strengthened customer recognition and trust, particularly among those familiar with or already utilizing the platform. Ultimately, CleanChain plays a key role in advancing our sustainability initiatives.

    采用CleanChain系统,在很大程度上帮助我司规避了化学品的风险物质, 也大大提高了我司化学品管理方向的工作效率。同时, CleanChain系统的采用提升了客户对于我司的认可度及信任度, 尤其是对于了解或者已经使用CleanChain平台的客户而言。最后, CleanChain促进了我司可持续发展进程。
