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Optimizing Your Enterprise with Business Process Outsourcing (BPO)

With operations across six continents, we’re a business process outsourcing provider that helps organizations access skilled talent, scale, enter new markets and optimize operational efficiency and budgets.

Our BPO solutions support core and ancillary business functions and streamline operations. We offer a comprehensive suite of BPO services, including human resourcesfinance and accounting and customer experience. From simple tasks to complex process management, we do the hard work at optimized costs so that your business can thrive.

Delivering Value-Added Outsourcing with Positive Impact

With 30+ years of outsourcing experience, ADEC understands the operational and financial challenges organizations face in driving efficiency at scale whilst also meeting social and environmental sustainability objectives and obligations for meaningful change.

We work with you not just to achieve productivity, efficiency and resilience, but to drive positive impact through purpose-driven, impact-focused outsourcing.

Our score of 82 NPS reflects our focus on delivering value to our clients through quality service, innovation, and a customer-centric approach.

Why Outsource Business Processes?

Faced with inflation, geopolitical uncertainty and skills shortages, businesses are increasingly turning to business process outsourcing providers to achieve market growth and streamline operations.

Outsourcing companies with multi-shore operations help access a wider talent pool and mitigate risk. And partnering with sustainable outsourcing companies, such as ADEC, helps organizations advance their environmental and social sustainability goals.

Leading Provider of BPO Services and Solutions

The advantages of ADEC Workforce include high-quality, efficient and cost-effective outsourced BPO solutions that help you nurture long-lasting customer relationships. Our solutions are underpinned by Impact Sourcing initiatives central to ethical outsourcing – demonstrating our interest in adding real value to communities as well as customers.


Delivering the best-cost, scalable and flexible BPO outsourcing solutions across onshore, nearshore and offshore locations


Enabling clients to bring meaningful work to people who need it most while delivering on CSR and ESG goals with Impact Sourcing BPO


Providing certainty of outcome with our dedicated BPO workforce consistently achieving 99.5% across SLA


With delivery centers across the globe, we help you be more resilient and mitigate risk associated with geopolitics

BPO and Outsourced Solutions for Agile Organisations

We deliver industry-leading business process outsourcing services, CX, data processing, document management and data assurance solutions that help organizations enhance operational efficiency.

Whether you are looking for back-office solutions or omnichannel capabilities, finance and accounting support, or to outsource a specific process, we can deliver the personalized solution you need.

Scalable Global Solutions

Our global footprint and 4000+ team members ensure we’re equipped to provide organizations and their GBS functions with support as they scale up and down.




Transactions Processed




Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) Score

We ensure 24/7 coverage, follow-the sun capabilities and deliver right-shore support with delivery centers in the Philippines, Kenya, Egypt, Colombia, Ireland, USA and beyond.

Industries That Benefit from Business Process Outsourcing

We help global organizations across various industries – education, healthcare, manufacturing, logistics, legal, mortgage, banking & finance, and more – streamline operations and manage costs effectively, in a timely fashion and in a secure environment.


Outsourced healthcare solutions for payer, provider and ancillary organisations designed to relieve administrative burden, supplement staff and impact service delivery


Outsourced back office, finance and accounting support to transportation providers, carriers, freight forwarders and logistics providers

Utilities and Telecoms

Outsourced CX and customer service solutions for enhanced customer experience and NPS improvements.

Government Services

For over 20 years, we have partnered with government and regulatory bodies to deliver trusted, secure outsourced customer service and document management.

Consumer & High-Tech

Working with tech companies and IT hardware and software providers to deliver CX solutions, customer support and technical support services.

Banking & Financial

As an ISO27001 and PCI-DSS certified outsourcer, we provide BFSI clients with back-office support and contact centre solutions that ensure the security of customer information and client data.

HR Operations

A comprehensive suite of outsourced HR support from back-office activities such as digitization of employee records, payroll and benefits administration to Voice Support for HR enquiries.


Bespoke BPO solutions for clients' needs – back office, customer care and finance and accounting expertise are transferable across industries and business sizes.

Impact Sourcing

Empowering people and communities with limited economic opportunity is at the heart of Impact Sourcing.

We’re listed among Impact Sourcing Specialists in Impact Sourcing State of the Market Report 2024, Everest Group, 2024

Choosing Top BPO Companies for Your Enterprise or Business

For decades, leading brands and specialized enterprises have trusted us to deliver remarkable outcomes through outsourced services. See how we helped this global logistics company achieve 24/7 performance at reduced cost – whilst also practicing impact sourcing – via our offshore Kenya team.

Why is ISO Certification Important for BPO Companies?

Our reputation and credibility is as important to us as it is to you! We practice international standards across award-winning services – giving you piece of mind that our outsourcing and BPO global services meet the highest standards, and are efficient, compliant and secure.

Expand Your Knowledge

BPO practices have evolved significantly. Shifting from focusing on pure cost-saving measures to value-adding activities and strategic partnerships that enhance efficiency and innovation and deliver impact through sustainable practices. Stay abreast of the latest BPO industry with our knowledge resources.

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    ZDHC对大宗化学品的定义是,具有已知化学结构和单一CAS(Chemical Abstracts Service)编号的单一物质或化合物。这些化学品通常用于制造过程中创造条件或作为辅助剂。不同厂家生产的两种大宗化学品具有相同性和互换性。它们通常不会留在最终产品上,而是在加工过程中被清洗掉了。

    虽然大宗化学品包含在ZDHC MRSL(制造限制物质清单)中,但由于在ZDHC网关中参与大宗化学品行业并将这些物质纳入符合ZDHC MRSL的ZDHC网关产品数据库仍有一定挑战,所以大宗化学品被排除在Performance InCheck报告之外。








    供应商应熟悉ZDHC大宗化学品指南ZDHC Commodity Chemical Guide。本指南概述了管理大宗化学品的最佳做法,确保它们得到负责任的评估和储存。

    有关大宗化学品的更多信息,请点击这里click here









    ✅自动化合规性追踪,并确保符合ZDHC MRSL和其他法规。






    除了CleanChain的功能优势之外,它还帮助用户简化了与电子表格相关的复杂性操作。 关于东丽酒伊织染(南通)有限公司

    东丽酒伊织染 (南通) 有限公司 (公司简称 TSD), 成立于1994年, 是东丽集团 (Toray) 在中国投资规模最大的制造型公司, 是一家以化学合成纤维为主的坯布织造、功能性面料加工·染色、成衣制造销售及水处理 为核心事业的公司。公司拥有从新技术研 发、织造/染色/后整理/检测及成衣制 造的一条龙生产流程。作为东丽海外的标 杆工厂, TSD拥有一流的安全、环境和职业 卫生、能源管理体系, 践行着TSD对于社会 责任感的承诺。公司秉承“通过创造新的 价值为社会做贡献”的企业理念, 以不懈的 创新精神和科技实力为客户不断开发品质 上乘、性能卓越的面料, 谋求与每一位顾客 的共同发展。


    在采用CleanChain这款在线化学品管理系统之前, 我们在执行ZDHC的过程中, 由于化学品使用类别多且量大, 很难实现实时追踪现有化学品的MRSL合规性。同时, 针对没有合规性的化学品以及证书到期的产品, 我们需要人工核实和整理相关列表, 并一一和化学品制剂商进行沟通。整个过程需要花费大量的时间,极大地影响我们的工作效率。另外, 如何提高MRLS的整体符合性,也是我们的一大挑战。最后, 在采用系统前, 我们不明确我司客户对于我们进入CleanChain平台持何种态度及其认可程度如何。


    我司化学品管理工作者每月在系统里按时上传化学品清单,并下载InCheck报告。为了避免用户错过上传的时间截点, CleanChain还会有自动化的邮件提醒用户及时上传化学品数据。除了定期上传化学品数据外, 我们日常工作中,也会利用系统的Dashboard来查看到期的产品以及没有合规性的产品列表。根据这份列表, 我们有针对性地和化学品供应商开展高效的沟通, 鼓励并帮助他们对未合规的产品进行检测并上传至ZDHC Gateway网关。同时, 在数据的分享上, 通过CleanChain的connect功能, 与客户取得关联, 系统可自动帮助用户将CIL数据和InCheck报告分享给我们的合作品牌。CleanChain在数据的管理上, 帮助我们节省了手动分享报告和清单的时间, 大大地提高了工作效率 。


    The implementation of the CleanChain platform has significantly reduced our exposure to chemical risk substances while greatly enhancing the efficiency of our chemical management efforts. Additionally, adopting CleanChain has strengthened customer recognition and trust, particularly among those familiar with or already utilizing the platform. Ultimately, CleanChain plays a key role in advancing our sustainability initiatives.

    采用CleanChain系统,在很大程度上帮助我司规避了化学品的风险物质, 也大大提高了我司化学品管理方向的工作效率。同时, CleanChain系统的采用提升了客户对于我司的认可度及信任度, 尤其是对于了解或者已经使用CleanChain平台的客户而言。最后, CleanChain促进了我司可持续发展进程。
